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Advertising Statistics


Advertising is an essential part of any successful business strategy. However, understanding its impact and importance can be hard to quantify—until now! With some groundbreaking statistics, we reveal the power that advertising wields in our modern world. Learn more about what it takes for businesses to succeed through smart promotion tactics.

1. Advertising spending is increasing - Businesses are increasingly investing in advertising, and the evidence is staggering: a global spending surge from $583 billion to a whopping estimate of $605 billion by 2024! Clearly, they recognize the value that this marketing strategy brings.

2. Digital advertising is on the rise - For the first time ever, in 2020, digital advertising expenditures will outpace traditional advertising expenditures. This shift signals a major transformation of marketing practices and is predicted to become increasingly pronounced over subsequent years as digital ads continue their rapid rise.

3. Social media advertising is popular - Businesses are beginning to unlock the power of social media advertising, with spending projected to soar past $100 billion in 2023. These impressive figures reflect how organizations now understand that they can more effectively and efficiently reach their customer base through this rapidly growing form of promotion.

4. Mobile advertising is booming - The mobile revolution has arrived! For the first time in history, 2020 saw US spending on mobile advertising overtake that on desktop. This shift is attributed to an increasing number of consumers turning to their phones for internet access and shows no sign of slowing down, indicating a new world order where mobility reigns supreme.


5. Video advertising is effective - Video advertising is undoubtedly a powerful weapon in the marketer's arsenal. Wyzowl reports that an overwhelming majority of businesses have jumped on board, with 85% using video as part of their outreach and 87% citing increased website traffic due to its implementation. The true triumph, however, lies at the bottom line: 80% of companies report higher sales thanks to this strategy!

6. Influencer marketing is on the rise - Businesses are beginning to recognize the immense potential of influencer marketing in helping them promote their products and services, as evidenced by industry predictions that expenditure on this type of marketing will hit an all-time high of $13.8 billion in 2021! The growth of influence campaigns across a variety of industries is testament to their increasingly widespread appeal among businesses looking for new strategies to reach their target audience.

7. Personalization is important - Consumers are making it clear: if you want their business, personalize your advertising. A whopping 80% of consumers reported that they're more likely to commit when companies offer experiences tailored just for them. Businesses have taken note, and those who customize their messages are reaping the rewards with a greater chance of reaching target audiences.

8. Ad-blocking is a concern - As more and more consumers begin using ad-blocking technology, businesses are being forced to think outside the box when it comes to reaching their target audience. Research from eMarketer reveals that one quarter of Americans now use an ad blocker, proving traditional methods alone simply won't cut it anymore! Businesses need creative solutions if they want a chance at engaging with potential customers in 2021.


Advertising is an essential part of any successful business strategy, and there are many key trends to consider as you navigate the world of advertising. Spending on ads is rising, and digital channels like social media and mobile devices remain popular for getting your message out. Video ads capture attention quickly, especially when blended with influencers who can make personal connections with consumers. But it's important not to overlook potential issues such as ad-blocking that could impact engagement rate; understanding these nuances will help businesses get their brand in front of their ideal target audience!

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