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Multi Touch Vs Single Touch Attribution Models

Multi touch

Single-touch attribution

As the name suggests, single-touch attribution models attribute credit to a single touchpoint for a conversion. The most common models of this sort are first-touch and last-touch attribution. These respectively credit the first marketing channel a customer interacts with and the last one he or she interacts with before making a purchase.


  • Easy to implement. It does not require a great deal of data or complicated calculations to carry out single-touch attribution models. You don’t need to employ advanced technology.
  • Allows you to focus on the stage of the funnel that is most important to you. One company may place more importance on brand awareness activities at the top of the funnel. Others may prioritize lead generation or conversion activities towards the bottom of the funnel.


  • Oversimplifies the buying cycle. The buying cycle can consist of lots of different stages. Including first thinking about your buying needs, researching products, and comparing prices and suppliers before making a final decision. Single-touch models ignore the majority of this journey by only crediting a single touchpoint.
  • Ignores the relationship between channels. Your marketing activities and campaigns do not operate in isolation. Seeing a display ad may prompt a consumer to conduct a Google search and discover your paid ad. Single-touch models ignore this impact.
single touch attribution models

Multi-touch attribution

Multi-touch attribution models consider all touchpoints that a customer makes leading up to a purchase or conversion. Each model assigns credit in a different way. For example, linear attribution assigning equal credit to each touchpoint, and time-decay attribution assigning more credit to those touchpoints closer in proximity to the final conversion.


  • Considers all marketing channels. Any marketing channel that contributes to a conversion is credited to an extent. This stops valuable marketing activities from being devalued simply because they don’t directly drive conversions.
  • Can see how your marketing channels impact each other. Unlike single-touch, multi-touch attribution demonstrates the relationship between marketing channels and how they work together along the buying process.


  • More complicated. Multi-touch attribution can be complicated to implement, possibly requiring complex calculations, technology, and algorithms.
  • Still not 100% accurate. Although it is considered more accurate than single-touch attribution, multi-touch attribution still makes assumptions about the contribution of marketing activities. It also still ignores various external factors such as word-of-mouth, pricing, and competitor activity.

This basic comparison of multi-touch and single-touch attribution models gives a good idea of how each type of model can benefit your marketing attribution process. Consider each model to determine which is best suited to your business.

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